About My Faithful Path

About My Faithful Path


The purpose of My Faithful Path is to provide resources, stories, and insights to help you navigate your spiritual journey with faith and confidence. Whether you’re seeking guidance, inspiration, or practical tools, our hope and goal is to support you every step of the way.

Mission and Vision

Our mission is to empower individuals and families on their spiritual journey by offering valuable resources and fostering a community of faith. We envision a world where everyone can find the support, direction, and inspiration needed to grow in faith and live a life of purpose.

My Story

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Steve Hartwig. Like you, I have been on a path of growing in faith most of my life. I do not come from a large family. It was just Mom, Dad, and me. I attended Sunday School every week for as far back as I can remember. Then, in my teens, I took Confirmation classes and became a member of a local Lutheran Church. A few years later, I stopped going to church. I had a long period of backsliding and living as if God did not see or care how I was living my life. That was in the late 1960s and mid-1970s. It was the time of “Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll”. Although I still considered myself a Christian, I was far from living a life of following the teachings and commandments of Jesus. But, even though I was not walking a faithful path with the Lord, He still walked with me. He led me to people who were a great source of learning and growing in the faith. But, stubbornly, I held on to things that kept me from having a true and fruitful relationship with our Lord Jesus.

Years passed while I was addicted to alcohol (beer mostly). I smoked pot daily and was usually the life of any party. Did I say, “years passed”? Actually, I reached retirement age and began drawing my Social Security when I moved to Nicaragua, where I could live well on my monthly SS payment. Up to that point, I was still far from God. I can now truly appreciate the saying, “Except for by the Grace of God, go I”. I lived in several cities before coming to Leon. I seemed to know that this is the place. This is where I will put down roots and live out my life here. I became friends with a Christian family, who reminded me of the need I had to have God in my life.

One day I was sitting alone in my rented home, drinking my daily quota of beer. My mind took me back to a time when I had a taste of spiritual growth. I had been living in Texas, and a friend introduced me to a daily radio devotion. It was called “Thru the Bible, with Dr. J Vernon McGee”. He was teaching a five-year program from every book of the Bible. I remembered how I was eager to hear the next lesson each day as I drove to work. But, times changed and I lost track of that ministry. But, sitting in my room that day, I decided to see if the program still existed. I did a search on my computer and to my amazement, there was Dr. McGee! Of course, more than thirty years had passed since I listened to the program in Dallas. Dr. J Vernon McGee had long since gone home to be with the Lord. But his insightful teachings live on. I am now halfway through my second five-year journey. The ministry is now going out to more than two hundred languages. They are taking the “whole Word to the whole world”.

I have continued to study and seek more resources to help me walk a more faithful path. I don’t know if you can call a love to do research a gift from God. But with today’s technology, it is fun for me to find more and more information that will make my life better. And of course, I want to share that information with others so they too can find the resources needed to walk a smoother faithful path. So, My Faithful Path was born out of a desire to share the transformative power of faith. After experiencing my own spiritual journey, I felt called to create a space where others could find the same hope and encouragement that guided me. Through this platform, I aim to share the lessons I’ve learned and the resources that have been instrumental in my growth.

Man sitting on beach studying the Bible with his back to the sea shore

Core Values

My Faithful Path is guided by these core values:

  • Faith: Trusting in God’s plan and seeking His guidance in all I do.
  • Integrity: Being honest and transparent in my actions and communications.
  • Community: Fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all.
  • Compassion: Showing love and kindness to everyone I encounter.

What I Offer

As I continue to grow in my own faithful journey, I want to share all that I learn and discover by providing:

  • Inspiring Articles: Thought-provoking blog posts on faith, spirituality, and personal growth.
  • Resource Recommendations: Curated lists of books, devotionals, and other tools to deepen your faith.
  • Affiliate Links: Trusted products and services that I believe can enhance your own spiritual journey.

Call to Action

I invite you to join this community of faith and spiritual growth. I encourage you to explore my articles and resources. When a newsletter becomes available, please subscribe. I would love to know about your own faithful walk. Please feel free to share your story with me. Your comments and experiences will be a blessing to me and many others. Together, we can walk this faithful path and grow in our spiritual journey.

Contact Information

If you have questions or want to share your own faithful path, I’d love to hear from you! Please contact me at: steve@myfaithfulpath.com  

You can also connect with us on Facebook at My Faithful Path Facebook Group.


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